Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Leaving Perth

After having been in Perth since the middle of October last year we finally decided to set off on our travels again. The tenants in our house decided that they would like to stay for another year. We had reassured Granmere that she could pay her bills. Chris fixed all sorts of things in her little house.We organised a Silver Chain Care Alarm knowing that she could get help if no-one was around. We helped Nat and Ben pack up and move house. Chris finished a big network job at Mc Coy. We spent a lovely Christmas with all the family and had loads of precious moments with Eva, Eloise and Ali. We were built-in babysitters for Ben and Nat which I know they really appreciated.
It's always sad to leave the family but also very exciting packing up the home on our back and heading off into the sunset!!
Well, the day we left, we were half a km down the road when the electric brakes of the caravan packed up. You can't tow a caravan with no brakes!! Oh dear me. Was the air blue? Poor Chris spent about 2 hours undoing and re-doing wires, cables and measuring Ohms. The brake unit was "@#$%*d"!!! BUT....miraculously he worked out what the trouble was.....corroded connectors after the caravan having been standing for a few months. He had a magic spray, and lo and behold, it was fixed and we were on our way.
We drove to Busselton and stayed on the banks of Geographe Bay in a lovely treed
site. However, getting into the site took a bit of work. We had lost our touch and after
trying and trying, with my hand signs being USELESS, a very kind man came and asked if we needed help?!!! He quietly helped us get into the our holiday could begin...with a few lessons having been learnt.
We swam in the beautiful bay, walked through the trees, drove to Margaret River and visited Peta-Jane and Brian who have done an amazing job of renovating their 100yr old home and slowly got ourselves back into "Gypsy" mode.
We then went on to the Shannon National Park where we were totally self-sufficient - no water or power, just what we had in the caravan. It's a lovely feeling being so remote and unconnected to the outside world - only the forest smells, the birds and the stars - and the smell of our camp fire!! We did listen to some of our 10,000+ songs we have on our ipod. Can't go anywhere without music!
We stayed in the park for 2 nights and made our way to Denmark, a place we absolutely love. It is just beautiful - rolling green hills, endless forests, the whitest beaches and turquoise bays. We have a beach we go to where we swim in the nude! Our special place!
Right now we have a few hippie campers around us and a guy in a van who is obviously trying to find himself. We have been enveloped in the smell of incense and the sound of Indian women chanting all morning. I love it but Chris is struggling to concentrate on a small job he has to do on the computer! For us to get our caravan out tomorrow this guy will have to move his van. Hopefully he'll be out of his trance!!
It's great fun being gypseys. You never know who you'll meet!!