Thursday, May 19, 2011

Visiting Broome again

I love Broome. When the days are cloudless and the sun shines brightly the contrast in the "colours of Broome" are striking. The frangipanis and tropical/bush shrubbery add to the picture. I felt that because most days were cloudy and grey the colours seemed a little dull this time we visited. We also had sad news that our beloved "other member of our family" Nelson had to be put to sleep at the vet. He was 16 years old and all his internal organs were collapsing. So our time in Broome was tinged with sadness. Chris was very, very upset as were Matt and Just who were in constant contact.
We did go down to magnificent Cable Beach at sunset and watch the camels walk by. We also visited"The Mango Place" and had a delicious lunch with condiments all made from mango products. (I don't know what we are going to do when our mango pickle runs out!). We also went to a Mother's Day music concert where we heard the Pigrams, Alex Lloyd, Paul Kelly, Jimmy Barnes and many others.
The next time I go to Broome I want to go during a wet season to experience the storms and the vibrancy of the colours when the sun comes out!
PS. Sally, all over the caravan park are huge South African mahogony trees. Do you have any?