Saturday, April 19, 2014

Visiting the National Gallery

We were very lucky to be in Canberra to see the exhibition of Gold and the Incas. It was amazing walking around such precious, ancient artifacts even though it was very busy. The woven materials were magnificent and I loved seeing how similarly the Inca patchwork pieces were to our patchwork pieces that we make today.
I loved the sculptures as you enter the National Gallery which again is a huge modular, concrete structure.
Autumn is beautiful in Canberra too.
We found the Dept of Finance all covered with a black shroud.....must be the reason Joe Hockey wants to get the budget back in surplus and make us all work until we are 70!
I spotted an almost full moon the other night after going for a drive to see Parliament house at night. It was quiet and eerie except for one security officer riding around on his bicycle.
Felicity and Brian arrive tomorrow so we will be festivalling the rest of the weekend!  One of the main reasons we are in Canberra....listening to music we love....hopefully. We have wanted to get to Canberra for the National Folk Festival for a long time.