Sunday, November 6, 2011

Canberra again

We returned directly to Canberra on a magnificent highway from Sydney to attend question time in parliament. Chris had booked tickets before we arrived so we wouldn't be disappointed. After having our phones, cameras and bags removed and anything resembling metal checked at security points we were allowed to take our seats in the visitors' gallery. We were instructed to sit very quietly and behave ourselves at all times.....which we did, while watching our politicians in action. All the current government was there - Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Tony A - Mr No, Malcolm Turnbull etc etc. It was most interesting. Because the Melbourne Cup was on that day fiery questions and answers came to an abrupt end and everyone walked out! At least we saw what we had come to see.
The lawns at Parliament House reminded us exactly of how Justin used to mow our lawn in Windlass Ave!
Canberra is a great city to visit as there are so many interesting places to see. It is also so easy to get around. Everywhere seems so underpopulated and feels amazingly "toy town" like. I suppose everyone is working away in embassies, galleries, museums, institutes, the university and the like.
I found the history of Canberra and reading about the Burley Griffin architects fascinating. The symmetry from the top of Parliament House is incredible.