Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gypsies no more! For a short while!

The time has come, after living in our caravan for 2 years and traveling all over a most beautiful continent, to return to Perth. We need to sort out where we are going to live in the future, see precious Eva, Eloise and Ali and help grandmere again, and of course see our own precious big kids!
We have very slowly been making our way back through the south west forests.
We stopped at Cheynes Beach, a remote, secluded spot which we had all to ourselves. We spent about 5 days in our beloved Denmark right on the inlet. We then made our way to Manjimup and stayed at a special place called Fonty's pool. Our very last night we stayed amongst the karris in Pemberton. We were going to stay in Margaret River but because of devastating bush fires we decided not to except for passing through and stopping to say hello to our friends, Peta Jane and Brian.
All I can say is that we had the most amazing time of our lives. The forests, the oceans, the beaches, the mountains, the dawns, the sunsets, the storms, the mists, the birds, the lizards, the frogs, the trees and the flowers were everywhere in all their glory including the remoteness and ruggedness of the environment. We hardly had to visit a gallery....we were in one day after day.
Traveling in such a comfortable van was a pleasure - thanks to Chris and all he set up to make us a home from home. We had computers, a printer, a scanner, music, the brilliant Radio National, movies, heaters, an airconditioner, our own washing machine and full ensuite bathroom - just everything we would ever need. In fact, we don't need to go home at all.....maybe we'll just turn around and head back east!! Might happen sooner than we think!
What a BRILLIANT, MAGIC, WICKED time we had.
Thanks to those who read my blog and shared some of our travels. It meant a lot.