Friday, August 1, 2014

Cape York - Day 5 and 6 - Bramwell Junction and Cpt Billys Landing

Day 5 and 6
Our journey continues.....
We stopped for morning tea at the historic Morton Telegraph Station then on to Bramwell Junction where we set up camp amongst the ant hills and spent a hilarious evening. As we were early we found a covered "dining room table" which made things really comfortable. Later in the afternoon an Italian couple from Melbourne arrived. Well....they described the most horrific journey south from the top. In his Italian accent he described the corrugations, driving right off the road and how his roof rack had come loose and fallen off! A tough Queenslander joined in the dramatic conversation and as only a  Queenslander could and with his heavy drawl made a few jokes. We all ended up in fits of laughter.....despite the road and the now repaired roof rack. Ha, ha we thought..... what was coming our way?? We were dreading the road the further north we got.
Once the Italians had set up camp he reminded us that if we heard lots of noise from their tent it was only that they were playing cards!
After dinner we sat in the pitch dark just looking up at the majestic milky way. It was a very special moment.
The next day we took another detour off the main road (PDR-Peninsular Dev Road) to the east, Cpt Billy Landing. The photos will tell it all. Even though it was battered by the easterly trade winds it was another amazing experience.

Parked at Morton Telegraph Station.

Moreton Telegraph Station buildings.
The road on the edge of Bramwell Junction.

Bramwell Junction Roadhouse. Campground at the back.


Our dining room.

Our Queenslander friend's rig.
Happy camper today.....relaxing in the shade.

Our Italian neighbours. They didn't come camping without the
coffee pot and a really good cup of Italian espresso.
Roof rack re-attached!!

What a sight! Our camp???

The road to  Cpt Billy Landing. Beautiful rain forest.

The view to the east coast.

First sight of Cpt Billy Landing where we were going
to camp.

Desolate .....but a great wind shelter.
No water here. We had to bring our own.


A most stunning beach which we walked along at low tide.

Checking out caves where bats resided.

We started off alone but later the Mad Max gang joined us!!
This is a windy place. Luckily we managed to get the one sheltered
place close to the toilets!! advantage!

Our camp.

With the waves crashing and the wind howling we had a very noisy
night. I woke up very early and caught the dawn. It was
absolutely beautiful. I had to get Chris out the tent to see the view too.

 Nature's gift.