Sunday, August 17, 2014

Heading North up the Stuart Highway towards Katherine and Kakadu

We were only going as far as Katherine....then decided a trip to Kakadu could not be missed. We didn't go to Darwin as we had been before and it's very busy at this time.
After turning right onto the Stuart Highway at the 3 Ways Roadhouse we stopped at a very special place for us - Newcastle Waters where we had previously spent a free stop all by ourselves, Daly Waters pub for a piece of barra and a laugh under all the bras, Mataranka where we swam twice a day in the hot springs and then Katherine where once again we swam in the hot springs. We used Katherine as a housekeeping stop where we could do our washing and stock up at Woolies in town.

Before turning right onto the Stuart Highway we had passed through Mt Isa where everyone was preparing for the "Mt Isa Rodeo". Luckily we hadn't planned to stay over as it was busy, busy, busy!

Kakadu will have its own post as it was truly magic besides the black earth and fires we drove through on the way.

Ready for the rodeo.

A magnificent truck that was parked near our van.

Newcastle Waters is now managed by a state Heritage Trust.
It's a place the drovers came and restocked on water and produce.

Our spot but looking a bit dry.

Heritage sheds.

Chris with the drover.

Newcastle Waters where birds can be seen everywhere at
dawn and dusk. We were there in the middle of the morning.

Diesel along the way.

Standing under all the bras!!

The outback and all the dust.

An oasis at Mataranka Hot Springs.
Along the walkway to the springs.

It looks just like this. When you get in the water it takes a long
time to want to get out.

Our caravan site from where we could walk each morning and
afternoon for a swim. A lovely place.
In Mataranka "town".

Cattle trucks everywhere getting ready for the muster season.

An anthill in the main street.

Washing day!

Having fun in the springs chatting to a family with 3 little girls.

Mataranka Hot Springs.

I wish we had Hot Springs in Perth...though we can swim in our sea!

Katherine River just behind the caravan park and close to
the Hot Springs.