Saturday, August 9, 2014

Visiting Thursday Island

We caught a ferry from Seisia which takes just over an hour to sail through the Endeavour Strait past the Prince of Wales and Horn Islands to Thursday Island. We started off with the weather being cloudy and grey but clearing up as we approached Thursday Island. The ocean around the island is the bluest water I have ever seen. It was beautiful. For seven months of the year the wind howls and dries up any moisture that could be in the land so all around was rather dry and brown. We chose to do a bus trip around the island which was a good idea as we got to see all that was interesting. The Torres Strait Islander people were welcoming and most pleasant. Most of the work on the island is related to the crayfish industry, fresh water pearls and tourism. I was hoping for a local market but not to be......the main street with a few shops was very quiet. We found one small cafĂ©, called Frankies, where we had a bite and a coffee.
It was amazing being so far away from home!
The morning we went down to the ferry.

A pearl shell in the wall on the sea front.

Protecting Thursday Island during the World Wars.



                                       Old cemetery for Japanese pearl divers from the early days.